Sunday, January 14, 2007

Whats going on??

It’s been three weeks since I joined my company. I'm still in training going on right now. I have my first evaluations tomorrow, so I'd be spending this weekend studying for it (so that I get at least a grade 3/5)
Once the evals are done with tomorrow, I'll at least have some time over the week - so that I can finally post about all the stuff I've wanted to post about for like ages now! Ya! I'm thinking of starting posting from office ;-)

By the way - I have to mention this - I bought a new GSM cell phone (Yup! my prev one was CDMA) It’s a Sony Ericsson z550i - the best phone I've seen any one have!

It has everything - Bluetooth, Infrared, Mp3 player, FM Radio, 1.3 mega pixel Camera, 512MB data card, Data Cable (so that I can use it as a flash drive!) - Yup! I can’t seem to stop smiling about it! The best part about it is definitely that now I can listen to my fav music 'whenever' I want. It’s already happened quite a few times already - at the end of the day, I am tired (mostly mentally and emotionally tired) - and I just start playing songs on it - and BadaBing!! I'm rocking again! So now you know why I'm not taking that smile off ;-)

Writing all this feels soo god damn good!!! This reminds me - ever since I have joined I have almost become a recluse, I barely talk to people - No I don't mean I don't talk to any one at office, cause I do talk to almost every one in my batch and also to ppl from my college who are with me there - but I still feel as I have become like a recluse!

I'm constantly busy with something or the other - 8hrs at work, my 'supposedly' 40 mins workout almost always stretches to 1 - 1&1/2 hrs, then there all this keeping up to date thing, reading the Times esp. the business sections and editorials, then comes mirror, and then the 2-3 blogs that I read daily to keep my self up-to-date, reading a novel for fun and to improve my vocab and after all this studying for office evals (the ‘n’ no. of ppts, docs & pdfs) plus studying for CET/CAT and other MBA entrance exams - huh! And I'm not even mentioning watching TV (only a select few, come down from 4-5 hrs of TV/day to 30 mins/day, if at all!), checking my mail (barely enough time for it!) and orkutting(can't spend more than 5-10 mins on it! else everything else goes haywire!)

See what I mean - I do talk to ppl - but its restricted to just the bare minimum (for gods sake I even have my lunch silently-even if I'm in a group!) And what’s always going-on on my mind is what I'm supposed to be finishing now and what next - Ohh! Crap!
This reminds me evals tomm, Gotta Go!

PS: - I had taken this snap with my cell phone!

UPDATE: - I forgot before - Is this like a phase or something? A 'new-job-jst-started' phase? Or is it all just in my mind?

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Lotts of stuff!

I have not posted for quite some time now!

But I have been wanting to post about soo many things!
To start with - my surprise visit to my aunt’s place after my medical check-up, my xmas day dhamaal!, about my new job, my new year's eve, all that and stuff that have said before that I said that I would talk about - about what I discussed with my grandpa, about my friends..huh!

Yup! All that! I'm just waiting for the weekend now

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


After being at home SIX months studying for MBA entrance exams - Ya! Ur right I didn't get thru in any good institute, technically the result hasn't yet come but I'm almost sure that I won't be gettin thru in any good institute - So I'm finally starting work tomorrow!


20 grant here I come!

Does this STILL happen with everyone?

I know this kinda thing used to happen in like the pre-historic times. But I guess I was wrong!

My first cousin got engaged recently, a couple of weeks back. Normally it would have been enough if the guy and the girl wanted to get married or get engaged - as is the case here - but this being India, it wasn't enough!

Don't know what I mean! Ok… It's something like this - here, that is in India, when people want to get married the parents or rather the entire family's consent is essential - Seems STRANGE, but verry TRUE! Now in my bro's case apparently the parent's consent was not enough - cause my grandma, uncle and others created a BIG - and I mean REALLY BIG - issue about the fact that the girl was not of the same CASTE! Yup! You did read that right!

That was what the REAL issue was - but being stubborn and god knows what other words I should be using for them - but I'm not… cause I can't think of any - they did not agree ki that was what the real issue was!!!

Instead they kept insisting that - they were not happy cause they weren't given enough respect - Ya! I know bulls**t! They were not happy about the fact that were told about this whole engagement thing after it was fixed - not before! - That they should have been the ones deciding whether or not my bro and his girl friend should be getting married! Why? Cause they are the "ELDERS" and we the younger ones should listen to them - as if we don’t have a mind of out own, As if we can't decide what WE should be doing in our OWN lives!

So as I was saying - a HUGE DRAMATIC SCENE was created and nobody from our family except me and my sis went for my 1st cousin's engagement (his mom, dad, sis were there of course!)
And no we did not go because we would want support from my cousin bro for us later (That’s what my mom was accusing us of!) we went cause it was my bro! We have grown up together! I can't even think of not going!

So all this got me thinking - Does this happen only in our house? Or does this still happen in other families too? Is this caste-phenomenon only restricted to India? Or it happens everywhere - only the actual details differ?

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I keep forgetting!

I just remembered that I still hadn't mentioned as to why we (me & my friends) were christened 'The Secret Seven"! That was cause we were spear-headed by the 'Secret Agent'.

Why? How?

It goes something like this - All thru the four years of engineering Harshada amongst us used to keep doing the disappearing act - and when asked about where she used to disappear she always said it was a secret! When asked any question by any of us - we always got the same std. reply 'it’s a secret'.So she was called the secret agent and we became the Secret Seven - Ya! I know..I know..Sad! Silly too!

But most of all it was Fun!

We did meet!

If you remember, I had mentioned in the previous post, we were gonna meet today..Guess What? We did!

We were gonna watch Casino Royale, the 10 AM show..We were supposed to meet at 9.30 near the theatre, but everyone was referring to KST (Kartik Std. Time-just about 30-45 minutes after the scheduled time!), as a result of which we reached the place near the theatre after 10 - about 10.30 actually. So finally we didn't watch the movie. We just went to some other hang out place. Initially I was actually wondering if it was still the same seven (actually only six were there) of us? We felt like we didn't have anything in common in the beginning (All 7 had met last in September!) but by the end of the day-around 2-2.30 we were having a Blast! We were eating, chatting, and basically having a grrreat time.

Just like before!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Had to mention this!

I have to mention this! Don't know if it is going to be of any relevance to all of you. I had gone to my (maternal) grandpa's place yesterday. He had retired from Reserve Bank ages ago but is still very active, fit and healthy even at his age.

I had the most amazing conversation with him for something like 2-3 hours - actually we were like completely lost in our discussion that we both lost track of time - on every topic ranging from family relations (our internal family politics - Ya! I talk about that some time later cause it’s gonna take a post of its own) to economics to the British Council Library in Mumbai to the concept of god as per our Vedas to finance to interesting anecdotes from his past.

I had the most interesting couple of hours there sitting and chatting! I was thinking of writing about what exactly we talked about but our discussion was such a confluence of talks on diverse topics that I don’t think I'd be able to present them here in a coherent manner. I will of course talk of an interesting realization that I had yesterday but let me save that for some other time - right now it almost 12 and it time for Seinfeld!

My Friends!

After writing my last post I realized that it sounded as if those are the only friends that I'm close to..which is far from the truth! Actually there are quite a few who have had a profound effect on my life at some point or the other. And I always intended to write about all (possibly!) of them as posts. I don't really know if that would be intresting to read in a blog but I want to write about it cause whenever I'm low I do think about all this and it kinda makes me feel better - so now I could read those related posts at some later point in my life whenever I'm in need of some 'uplifting'.

Another thing that I noticed was that I had not mentioned anything about my SS friends besides their names - so I thought that I should write something about them that would give you guys an idea as to how they were. I plan to write seriously about them a later stage but next I'm gonna be posting a supposed-to-be-funny-in-a-tongue-in-cheek-sarcastic-kinda-way article that I had written for my final year class year book. I'm not able to locate it presently but asa I find it I"d post it - soon enough so that you all would get an idea about my friends so that you it (may be) find it more intresting when I write/mention about them in future posts.

The Secret Seven

Ya! I know it sounds pretty lame a name for a group of 20-yr olds - but that's us. Me, Lohitha, Myrtle, Annette, Harshada, Anagha and Vaibhav we form the Secret Seven!

There's actually quite some history about them (or should I say us!) It actually started out in our initial years of engineering as only H.A.M.L.A (go figure!) then quite some time later we were 'The FANTASTIC FOUR' (L,M,K,V) with the SIDEKICK(A) and finally we were christened the Secret Seven!

Why am I saying all this? That’s cause in all the time we have been together we have always had a grrrreat time whenever we used to hang out in college. But whenever there was any talk of us going out and doing something fun - it always used happen that someone or the other used to have some problem with it-so most of time the 'hang-OUTs' used to happen after a long phone/classroom sessions of persuading some one or the other..

Again you may say..Why the heck am I talking about all this now? Cause we were supposed to meet today! Ya! Today in the evening- and yes we 'were supposed to' it didn’t happen..yup! U guessed it right someone had something else to do - run some errand / meet other school or college friends / blah blah blah.....

So now we are supposed/going to/planning to meet tomorrow! Actually we are planning to go watch Casino Royale (I have been wanting to see it for quite some time and so has mortal-that’s myrtle for the uninitiated) You must be thinking why such a small matter is being described in an anti-climatic fashion - for you'd have to actually hang out with us to know why!

Tomorrow also one of has some work to do - but the others are still planning to go..Let’s see if that happens!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

About Me!

I'm currently enjoying my life.. Not yet started a job.. Wanting to pursue an MBA.. Basically, right now I'm just focusing on 'profile building'(read:- not doing anything worthwhile! ;-))- no not talking about the blog but for myself in real life..Trying to find out who I really am and what I'm meant to do! This blog is basically gonna be a diary of sorts for me to look back an reflect upon! I dont really want/think anyone would read it, cause then I can be completely honest about my life..say/talk about stuff I wont be caught dead doing in real life!!!