Friday, December 15, 2006

Had to mention this!

I have to mention this! Don't know if it is going to be of any relevance to all of you. I had gone to my (maternal) grandpa's place yesterday. He had retired from Reserve Bank ages ago but is still very active, fit and healthy even at his age.

I had the most amazing conversation with him for something like 2-3 hours - actually we were like completely lost in our discussion that we both lost track of time - on every topic ranging from family relations (our internal family politics - Ya! I talk about that some time later cause it’s gonna take a post of its own) to economics to the British Council Library in Mumbai to the concept of god as per our Vedas to finance to interesting anecdotes from his past.

I had the most interesting couple of hours there sitting and chatting! I was thinking of writing about what exactly we talked about but our discussion was such a confluence of talks on diverse topics that I don’t think I'd be able to present them here in a coherent manner. I will of course talk of an interesting realization that I had yesterday but let me save that for some other time - right now it almost 12 and it time for Seinfeld!

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