Friday, December 15, 2006

The Secret Seven

Ya! I know it sounds pretty lame a name for a group of 20-yr olds - but that's us. Me, Lohitha, Myrtle, Annette, Harshada, Anagha and Vaibhav we form the Secret Seven!

There's actually quite some history about them (or should I say us!) It actually started out in our initial years of engineering as only H.A.M.L.A (go figure!) then quite some time later we were 'The FANTASTIC FOUR' (L,M,K,V) with the SIDEKICK(A) and finally we were christened the Secret Seven!

Why am I saying all this? That’s cause in all the time we have been together we have always had a grrrreat time whenever we used to hang out in college. But whenever there was any talk of us going out and doing something fun - it always used happen that someone or the other used to have some problem with it-so most of time the 'hang-OUTs' used to happen after a long phone/classroom sessions of persuading some one or the other..

Again you may say..Why the heck am I talking about all this now? Cause we were supposed to meet today! Ya! Today in the evening- and yes we 'were supposed to' it didn’t happen..yup! U guessed it right someone had something else to do - run some errand / meet other school or college friends / blah blah blah.....

So now we are supposed/going to/planning to meet tomorrow! Actually we are planning to go watch Casino Royale (I have been wanting to see it for quite some time and so has mortal-that’s myrtle for the uninitiated) You must be thinking why such a small matter is being described in an anti-climatic fashion - for you'd have to actually hang out with us to know why!

Tomorrow also one of has some work to do - but the others are still planning to go..Let’s see if that happens!

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