Friday, December 15, 2006

My Friends!

After writing my last post I realized that it sounded as if those are the only friends that I'm close to..which is far from the truth! Actually there are quite a few who have had a profound effect on my life at some point or the other. And I always intended to write about all (possibly!) of them as posts. I don't really know if that would be intresting to read in a blog but I want to write about it cause whenever I'm low I do think about all this and it kinda makes me feel better - so now I could read those related posts at some later point in my life whenever I'm in need of some 'uplifting'.

Another thing that I noticed was that I had not mentioned anything about my SS friends besides their names - so I thought that I should write something about them that would give you guys an idea as to how they were. I plan to write seriously about them a later stage but next I'm gonna be posting a supposed-to-be-funny-in-a-tongue-in-cheek-sarcastic-kinda-way article that I had written for my final year class year book. I'm not able to locate it presently but asa I find it I"d post it - soon enough so that you all would get an idea about my friends so that you it (may be) find it more intresting when I write/mention about them in future posts.

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