Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Does this STILL happen with everyone?

I know this kinda thing used to happen in like the pre-historic times. But I guess I was wrong!

My first cousin got engaged recently, a couple of weeks back. Normally it would have been enough if the guy and the girl wanted to get married or get engaged - as is the case here - but this being India, it wasn't enough!

Don't know what I mean! Ok… It's something like this - here, that is in India, when people want to get married the parents or rather the entire family's consent is essential - Seems STRANGE, but verry TRUE! Now in my bro's case apparently the parent's consent was not enough - cause my grandma, uncle and others created a BIG - and I mean REALLY BIG - issue about the fact that the girl was not of the same CASTE! Yup! You did read that right!

That was what the REAL issue was - but being stubborn and god knows what other words I should be using for them - but I'm not… cause I can't think of any - they did not agree ki that was what the real issue was!!!

Instead they kept insisting that - they were not happy cause they weren't given enough respect - Ya! I know bulls**t! They were not happy about the fact that were told about this whole engagement thing after it was fixed - not before! - That they should have been the ones deciding whether or not my bro and his girl friend should be getting married! Why? Cause they are the "ELDERS" and we the younger ones should listen to them - as if we don’t have a mind of out own, As if we can't decide what WE should be doing in our OWN lives!

So as I was saying - a HUGE DRAMATIC SCENE was created and nobody from our family except me and my sis went for my 1st cousin's engagement (his mom, dad, sis were there of course!)
And no we did not go because we would want support from my cousin bro for us later (That’s what my mom was accusing us of!) we went cause it was my bro! We have grown up together! I can't even think of not going!

So all this got me thinking - Does this happen only in our house? Or does this still happen in other families too? Is this caste-phenomenon only restricted to India? Or it happens everywhere - only the actual details differ?


Unknown said...

Well this does really happens... Has happened even before... will happen going forward.. Finally its ones own will to face it or run away from it.

But at what cost.. In return,what we achieve n wat we loose cannot be compared. But this mindset will make evryone looser. For one your grandma lost her grandson, and he lost his family for something which was very trivial.

Always have been lucky to be in a supportive family where people belive in broader mindset than this.

Laid Bare said...

Heyy! veena.. thanks for sharing ur views! glad that u have a supportive family!

Unknown said...

(Hey Kat you have got some amazing writing skills and VOCAB. CAT preparation seems to have helped you in some way (Just kiddin.....))

Just wanted to say......I mis you (U, Aru, Kirti and Remu) a lot....