Saturday, December 16, 2006

We did meet!

If you remember, I had mentioned in the previous post, we were gonna meet today..Guess What? We did!

We were gonna watch Casino Royale, the 10 AM show..We were supposed to meet at 9.30 near the theatre, but everyone was referring to KST (Kartik Std. Time-just about 30-45 minutes after the scheduled time!), as a result of which we reached the place near the theatre after 10 - about 10.30 actually. So finally we didn't watch the movie. We just went to some other hang out place. Initially I was actually wondering if it was still the same seven (actually only six were there) of us? We felt like we didn't have anything in common in the beginning (All 7 had met last in September!) but by the end of the day-around 2-2.30 we were having a Blast! We were eating, chatting, and basically having a grrreat time.

Just like before!


Vaibhav said...

Ya kartik...u forgot to mention worst part of it...."I WAS WAITING FOR U GUYS ON THAT DAY FOR 30 MINS AT MOVIE GEM" :(

Vaibhav said...

Ya kartik...u forgot to mention worst part of it...."I WAS WAITING FOR U GUYS ON THAT DAY FOR 30 MINS AT MOVIE GEM" :(

Vaibhav said...

Ya kartik...u forgot to mention worst part of it...."I WAS WAITING FOR U GUYS ON THAT DAY FOR 30 MINS AT MOVIE GEM" :(